Microservices and Reactive ProgrammingMicroservices and Reactive Programming
A lot of day-to-day work requires reactive behavior. Nurses react to beeping monitors, managers react to staff complaints and entrepreneurs react to customer feedback. It is important to have a balance between reactive and proactive behaviors. Proactive behavior brings benefits, like controlling the situation, increasing self-mastery and improving your mood. It is also helpful in building relationships.
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The implementation technique Reactive Programming enables asynchronous and nonblocking dataflow management within a single service, but when you start working with distributed systems you need to think hard about how to handle cross-node communication, consistency, versioning, orchestration, fault management, separation of concerns and responsibilities etc. These are the principles of Reactive Architecture.
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The Microservices paradigm leverages Reactive Architecture and allows us to build systems of autonomous, distributed services that play by the rules of distributed systems-Responsiveness through Resilience and Elasticity enabled by being Message-driven. The libraries and platforms designed to enable Reactive Systems provide a rich set of capabilities for handling failures, retrying and propagating errors in an addressable way. This is important because, without addressability, it is hard to track down what went wrong when a service fails, and the client needs to be notified. With a Reactive System, the failures are tied to long-lived addresses and it is easier for monitoring solutions to understand what happened in order to help the system recover.