The Importance of a Topographic Land Survey

Topographic land survey DE

A Topographic land survey DE is an essential tool for a number of industries. Professionals in construction, roofing, oil and gas, energy, and more rely on these surveys to ensure precision and detail in their projects.

While boundary or residential land surveys focus on defining property lines, a topographic survey is mainly concerned with noting the natural and manmade characteristics of a piece of land. These features include hills, rivers, roads, fences, buildings, and any other structure or improvement that has been made over the natural state of the land. A topographical survey will note the location, size, and height of these improvements, as well as any gradual changes or contours in elevation. This information is then used to create a map of the land.

Understanding the Lay of the Land: The Importance of Topographic Surveys in Delaware

The main purpose of a topographic survey is to bring the land to life, providing valuable insight for future developments. This is especially important for companies looking to invest in a specific piece of land. A survey can determine the starting point for a project, and help engineers and architects create plans that will take into account any existing features.

In order to conduct a topographic survey, a licensed surveyor will use a GPS unit or electronic EDM instrument. They will start at a central observation station 0 and then measure six radiating points (OA, OB, OC, OD, and OF) around the center of the area being surveyed. The result is a high-resolution map that includes all the elevation levels of your property, as well as all the manmade and natural features.

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