Quick Fixes for Shower Head Leaks

If the constant drip, drip, drip of your shower head keeps you awake at night or starts to run up your water and energy bills, it might be time for a little maintenance. Fortunately, there are some quick fixes you can try before calling in the professionals.

Quick Fixes for Shower Head Leaks of a leaking shower head is mineral deposits, which can clog the holes in your showerhead. This can be easily fixed by unclogging the holes with white vinegar or baking soda. If this doesn’t work, the problem is likely with the rubber washers or O-rings that seal the connection between your showerhead and hose. These can wear out over time, which allows water to seep through and cause a leak.

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To fix this, shut off the water supply to your shower (the valve supplying your bathroom should be in the “off” position) and unscrew your showerhead from the pipe that runs to it. Then, carefully examine the connections for rust or mineral buildup and scrub them with vinegar. Rinse the head and let it soak in vinegar for six to eight hours to help loosen any remaining clogs. After cleaning, screw the head back on and turn the water supply back on.

If your shower head still dripping after these steps, the problem is probably with the handle valve. To get to this, shut off the water supply by turning off the valve supplying your shower or by shutting off the entire water supply to your home and closing your home’s main valve.

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